GDS TransActions Newsletter 2022 Q1 Issue

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On December 16, 2021, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) issued Order No. 881 which finalized its proposed rulemaking from docket RM20-16-000. GDS Associates provided a summary of the proposed rulemaking in an earlier TransActions article and is providing this update with a summary of the final rule, including responsibilities for transmission providers and transmission owners. The final rule was published in the Federal Register on January 13, 2022, with an effective date of March 14, 2022. Transmission providers are required to submit their compliance lings by July 12, 2022, with an implementation deadline no later than July 12, 2025.

Read full article HERE.


Distributed energy resources (“DERs”) are generally defined as small-scale generation and battery storage systems that are installed at utility retail customers’ homes and businesses. There is a growing trend to aggregate DERs to provide significant benefits to the utility grid in times of constrained capacity or outages. DERs often consist of a renewable generation source in tandem with battery energy storage and electric utilities across the world are increasingly interested in the economic and resiliency benefits of aggregating these customer sited systems into dispatchable resources. While the concept of moving these DER assets into a single dispatchable resource is not new, the complex coordination of the various components has become an easier reality for many utilities in recent years due to technology and communication advancements. Many utilities have turned to deployment of Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems or “DERMS”, as a solution to handle the multitude of variables that must be accounted for in utilization of the DER assets.

Read full article HERE.