TransActions Newsletter - Q4 2020

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EV TIPS – Technology, Infrastructure, Policy, Strategy

If you have asked yourself any of these or similar questions, you are not alone. Numerous utilities, municipalities, and states are exploring and moving forward with electric vehicle system investments and incentives, but many are seeking to make sense of this complex landscape. It’s important to first develop a framework for strategizing and planning for electric vehicles. GDS has developed an approach for creating a comprehensive plan called EV TIPS. EV TIPS is an acronym for Electric Vehicle Technology, Infrastructure, Policy and Strategy. These four elements combine to optimize how a utility may take action to respond to EV growth and opportunities. It’s also important to recognize that these four elements drive a need for coordination and collaboration with many difference stakeholders, organizations, and even across utility departments. This framework helps to identify and structure many of the considerations to develop and implement an electric vehicle program. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

Who’s Line Rating is it Anyway? FERC Enters the Line Rating Discussion

On November 19th, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) in Docket No. RM20-16-000 to reform the pro forma Open Access Transmission Tariff and its own regulations under the Federal Power Act to improve the accuracy and transparency of transmission line ratings.1 For the first time, FERC is proposing that transmission providers adopt ambient adjusted ratings for shorter-term transmission service requests, day ahead and real time market operations. The NOPR was issued following the Commission’s August 2019 staff whitepaper and September 2019 technical conference in Docket No. AD19-15-000. These are the key elements of FERC’s NOPR: READ FULL ARTICLE HERE



January 12, 2021 Fundamentals of Guys & Anchors for Overhead Distribution Lines

February 9, 2021  Unique Guying Applications

February (TBD) EV TIPS

View the full schedule and register for a Hi-Line Engineering Webinar:  2021 Webinar Schedule