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With the increasing penetration of distributed generation (DG), the electric utility system in the U.S. is becoming more complex with every new project added to the grid. Among the most popular DG projects are solar and battery storage. With increasing concerns over climate change and reducing carbon footprints along with dramatic cost reductions, renewable generation has seen a surge in popularity and penetration in the U.S. grid. The renewable resource that has gained the most traction has been solar – the sun shines everywhere. The general trend for solar resources is that prices steadily decreasing and usage has been steadily increasing. Prices now are about 25% of what they were 10 years ago and solar penetration is expected to only increase in the future. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
Beneficial Electrification is getting a lot of buzz. Is that the sound of humming transformers? The fan on a heat pump? This article introduces the topic with deeper dives into beneficial electrification policies, programs, and technologies in future articles. But before we go too far, let’s get down to the basics. What is beneficial electrification?
The Beneficial Electrification League, a non-profit founded by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) to promote beneficial electrification, defines it as “the application of electricity to end-uses where doing so satisfies at least one of the following conditions, without adversely affecting the others. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
September 10, 2020
NWPPA Annual Conference and Membership Meeting – Virtual
October 6-8, 2020
NASEO Annual Conference – Virtual
September 15, 2020 Comparison of Wood and Non-Wood Crossarms
July 7, 2020 Conservation Potential Assessments
View the full schedule and register for a Hi-Line Engineering Webinar: 2020 Webinar Schedule